
Genital Herpes

Genital herpes or veneral herpes is a disease that has come on the scene more recently. There are five viruses that cause herpes, and the type  that cause genital or veneral herpes is Herpes Simple X Type II. Infection is confined mainly to the genital organs. Transmission is usually by sexual intercourse or by simple genital contact. This sexually transmitted disease presents with an ache or itch followed by visible blisters which rupture and form an eroded area. In time a crust is formed and the sore heals spontaneously. These sores appear on the penis in the male and on the labia in the female. They can also sometimes be found on the buttocks and thighs.  
 What is alarming about genital herpes is that there is no cure for it. To date no cure has been found for any viral disease. This is dangerous for the virus spreads easily, and healing does not mean that a cure has taken place. Therefore, once a person contracs herpes, he or she has it for the rest of his or her life. While research and experiments to find an effectife has been discovered.
Babies too can be affected in the womb, through the placenta, on in the vagina during birth. Genital herpes is known to cause serious neurological and visual problems in children born to affected mothers.
It is important for you to know that this venereal disease is found in singapor. But what is more important is that people should be able to recognize it and seek medical attention at once. You can also see the danger of premarital promiscuity and the harm it can do to you.