
HR in Small Business - Small Businesses Offer Different Forms of Flexible Work Schedules

Small companies offer different forms of flexible work schedules to employees to help them achieve balance in their lives and reduce stress. Here are some examples of flexible work schedules taken from small businesses:

  • Employees at Gongos Research are given a choice of times to start work. Gongos Research is a market research company in Auburn Hills, Michigan, with $13.2 million in annual revenues and 90 employees. Currently the vice president of finance arrives at work at 9:30 a.m. because she prefers to work out at the gym and run errands in the morning. A senior project specialist arrives at his desk at 7:30 a.m. because his wife needs to be at work early and they can spend time together during the drive to the office.
  • Approximately 60 percent of employees at Honest Tea work from home and the others are given the opportunity to telecommute when there is a need for it. Honest Tea is a Bethesda, Maryland, beverage company with $47 million in annual revenues. The director of supply chain management at the company needed to work from Tulsa, Oklahoma, for nine months while she took care of her son, who was injured in a car accident. She was able to keep doing her job from Tulsa under the company’s workfrom-home arrangement.