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Keluhan selama kehamilan seperti nyeri perut bawah, kembung dan perut tampak kecil

1. Perut kembung bisa disebabkan adanya beberapa faktor : pertama, pengaruh hormonal selama hamil. Meningkatnya kadar hormon progesteron dan estrogen selama kehamilan membuat pergerakan usus menjadi lambat sehingga makanan dan gas yang diproduksi menjadi lebih lama transit di lambung dan usus sehingga dapat mengakibatkan kembung dan rasa penuh di perut.Kedua, adanya bayi yang semakin membesar mengakibatkan tekanan pada sistem pencernaan sehingga pergerakan usus juga berkurang. Selain itu tekanan pada lambung dapat mengakibatkan asam lambung yang diproduksi berada lebih lama di lambung, akibatnya rasa perih di lambung bertambah dan dapat pula menyebabkan “heart burn” atau rasa terbakar /nyeri di sekitar lambung, dada hingga ke tenggorokan. Apabila hal ini terjadi ibu dapat minum obat maag.

2. Rasa nyeri di bagian bawah perut bisa disebabkan karena : pertama, kehamilan yang semakin membesar membuat ligamentum penggantung rahim dengan dinding perut menjadi melar dan tertarik sehingga terasa nyeri. Karena lokasinya ada di kanan dan kiri rahim maka nyerinya pun bisa dirasakan pada kedua sisi atau salah satu dan berpindah-pindah. Kedua, nyeri bisa disebabkan adanya tekanan pada kandung kemih karena membesarnya rahim. Kandung kemih berlokasi di bagian bawah perut. Tekanan pada kandung kemih juga dapat membuat urin berada lebih lama di sana sehingga mengakibatkan timbulnya infeksi saluran kemih. Keluhan yang timbul bisa berupa rasa anyang-anyangan, berkemih menjadi sedikit-sedikit, sering dan nyeri, nyeri perut bawah hingga ke punggung, bahkan dapat menyebabkan timbulnya kontraksi. Ketiga, nyeri bisa dirasakan saat janin bergerak. Dengan semakin besar janin maka gerakan kepala, badan dan tendangan kakinya akan semakin kuat. Gerakan janin yang timbul bisa menyebabkan adanya kontaksi, namun kontraksi yang tidak berbahaya sehingga dapat menyebabkan persalinan. Disebut juga sebagai kontraksi Braxton-Hicks atau kontraksi palsu.

3. Untuk perut kelihatannya kecil pada usia kehamilan 5 bulan bisa karena tubuh ibu yang tinggi sehingga belum jelas terlihat perut yang membuncit, semakin besar usia kandungan akan semakin jelas terlihat nantinya. Apabila  ibu memeriksakan ke dokter kandungan apakah besar janin saat ini sesuai dengan usia kehamilan? Dokter pasti akan melakukan pemeriksaan USG untuk memastikannya. Jika sesuai maka ibu tidak perlu khawatir.

Jenis Olahraga Yang Dapat Mengecilkan Perut

1. Sit up

Sit up ini adalah salah satu olahraga mengecilkan perut yang sangat popular. Caranya sangat mudah dan bisa dilakukan oleh siapapun. Caranya yaitu dengan membaringkan badan dengan kondisi terlentang lalu dada di tarik kedepan mirip orang bantun tidur tapi dilakukan berulang-ulang dan teratur. Jang lupa untuk melakukan olahraga ini sebaiknya anda menggunakan alas, karena dikhawatirkan terjadi gesekan tulang dengan lantai yang akan menyebabkan anda kesakitan.

HR in Small Business - Small Businesses Offer Different Forms of Flexible Work Schedules

Small companies offer different forms of flexible work schedules to employees to help them achieve balance in their lives and reduce stress. Here are some examples of flexible work schedules taken from small businesses:

Emerging Trends - Improving Work–Life Balance with a Results-Only Work Environment Policy

Here are some tips for achieving better work–life balance with a results-only work environment (ROWE) policy so that employees can do whatever they want, whenever they want, as long as the job gets done.

Emerging Trends - Advantages and Disadvantages of Outsourcing an HR Activity

Outsourcing an HR activity to a firm that specializes in providing an HR service to customers has both advantages and disadvantages. Here are some important factors to consider: 

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Customer-Driven HR - Guidelines for Conducting a Job Analysis

Conducting a job analysis requires managers to take five steps:
  1. Determine the desired applications of the job analysis.For example, if used as a basis for performance appraisal, job analysis should collect data that are repre sentative of differing levels of job performance.

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Job Description

A  job description is a summary statement of the information collected in the job-analysis process. It is a written document that identifies, defines, and describes a job in terms of its duties, responsibilities, working conditions, and specifications. There are two types of job descriptions: specific job descriptions and general job descriptions.

Methods Of Gathering Job Information

Methods Of Gathering Job Information Companies use several methods to gather job information: interviews, observation, diaries, and questionnaires. Factors such as cost and job complexity will influence the choice of method.

Job Analysis

Job analysis puts a job under the microscope to reveal important details about it. Specifically, it identifies the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a particular job.

Job Enrichment

Job enrichment is an approach to job design that directly applies job characteristics theory to make jobs more interesting and to improve employee motivation. Job enrichment puts specialized tasks back together so that one person is responsible for producing a whole product or an entire service.

Work Simplification

Work simplification assumes that work can be broken down into simple, repetitive tasks that maximize efficiency. This approach to job design assigns most of the thinking aspects of work (such as planning and organizing) to managers and supervisors, while giving the employee a narrowly defined task to perform. Work simplification can utilize labor effectively to produce a large amount of a standardized product.


Ekspansi kebun ke luar negeri menjadi satu-satunya pilihan agar perusahaan bisa terus meningkatkan produksi. Salah satu perusahaan yang mengarahkan padangan ke luar negeri adalah PT. Wilmar International Plantation. “ Bisa jadi manajemen akan beralih ke luar negeri,” kata Johanes, Legal Corporation Wilmar Plantation.


Harga minyak kelapa sawit alias crude palm oil (CPO) tertekan. Ekspor CPO dari Malaysia yang turun di bulan April meningkatkan ekspektasi pasar bahwa stok CPO masih akan tinggi.  Harga CPO untuk pengiriman Juli 2013 di Bursa Derivatif Malaysia turun 0,56% menjadi RM2.297 per metrik ton.


Luas Penanaman                  : 1 Ha.
Lama usaha tani                  :  6 bulan.


1 Bibit kelapa sawit 135 tanaman 5,000 Rp. 3,375,000
ZA 124 Kg 2,000 Rp. 248,000
SP-36 124 Kg 1,800 Rp. 223,200
KCl 0.8 Kg 2,000 Rp. 1,600
Kiseriet 0.6 Kg 2,000 Rp. 1,200
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Fungisida 2 Kg 5,000 Rp. 150,000
Herbisida 2 Lt 90,000 Rp. 180,000
Dodos 2 buah 25,000 Rp. 50,000
Egrek 2 buah 5,000 Rp. 50,000
Cangkul 2 buah 15,000 Rp. 30,000
Golok 2 buah 15,000 Rp. 30,000
Sabit 2 buah 15,000 Rp. 30,000
Gerobak dorong 1 buah 00,000 Rp. 200,000
Ajir 125 buah 250 Rp. 31,250
Tali rapia 2 gulung 15,000 Rp. 30,000
JUMLAH SUB 4,780,250

How Can I Not Love You (By Joy Enriquez )

cannot touch
cannot hold
cannot be together

When You Tell Me That You Love Me (By Diana Ross)

I wanna call the stars
Down from the sky
I wanna live a day
That never dies
I wanna change the world
Only for you
All the impossible
I wanna do

Goodbye (By Air Supply)

I can see the pain living in your eyes
And I know how hard you try
You deserve to have so much more
I can feel your heart and I sympathize
And I'll never criticize all you've ever meant to my life

Right Here Waiting (By Richard Marx)

oceans apart, day after day
and i slowly go insane
i hear your voice on the line
but it doesn't stop the pain

Job Characteristics Theory

Job Characteristics Theory Developed by Richard Hackman and Greg Oldham, job characteristics theorystates that employees will be more motivated to work and more satisfied with their jobs to the extent that jobs contain certain core characteristics. These core job characteristics create the conditions that allow employees to experience critical psychological states that are related to beneficial work outcomes, including high work motivation.

Goal-Setting Theory

Goal-setting theory, developed by Edwin Locke, suggests that employees’ goals help to explain motivation and job performance.  The reasoning is as follows: Because motivation is goal-directed behavior, goals that are clear and challenging will result in higher levels of employee motivation than goals that are ambiguous and easy.

Work Adjustment Theory

Every worker has unique needs and abilities. Work adjustment theorysuggests that employees’ motivation levels and job satisfaction depend on the fit between their needs and abilities and the characteristics of the job and the organization.

Two-Factor Theory

The two-factor theory of motivation, developed by Frederick Herzberg, attempts to identify and explain the factors that employees find satisfying and dissatisfying about their jobs. The first set of factors, called motivators, are internal job factors that lead to job satisfaction and higher motivation. In the absence of motivators, employees will probably not be satisfied with their work or motivated to perform up to their potential.

Motivating Employees

Motivation can be defined as that which energizes, directs, and sustains human behavior.  In HRM, the term refers to a person’s desire to do the best possible job or to exert the maximum effort to perform assigned tasks. An important feature of motivation is that it is behavior directed toward a goal.

Virtual Team

The  virtual team uses interactive computer technologies such as the Internet, groupware  (software that permits people at different computer workstations to collaborate on a project simultaneously), and computer-based videoconferencing to work together despite being separated by physical distance.

Customer-Driven HR : Tips on Managing Problem-Solving Teams

Managers should be able to use problem-solving teams consisting of employees with cross-functional skills to solve challenging organizational issues. In designing and managing such teams, the following are some important points to consider:

Designing the Organization : BOUNDARYLESS ORGANIZATION

BOUNDARYLESS ORGANIZATION A  boundaryless organizational structureenables an  rganization to form relationships with customers, suppliers, and/or competitors, either to pool organizational resources for mutual benefit or to encourage cooperation in an uncertain environment. Such relationships often take the form of joint ventures, which let the companies  share talented employees, intellectual property (such as a manufacturing process), marketing  distribution channels (such as a direct sales force),