
Cost-Volume Relations ( Fixed Costs - Variable Costs - Semivariable Costs )

The relation of total cost to volume of operations has its most important application in management accounting, but is also used in cost finding. It is important in management accounting because man­agers frequently face decisions involving changes in volume of operations (along with other changes). To determine the profit impact of a decision, it is nec­essary to predict the resulting changes in cost. This requires knowledge of existing cost-volume relations. In cost finding, a predetermined overhead rate (burden rate) can be calculated only after the total amount of overhead cost for the year has been pre­dicted. Since the volume of output is important to the amount of variable costs which should be expected, it is necessary to know the cost-volume relation in order to predict the total amount of overhead cost.
The relation of cost to volume generally falls into two categories, fixed and variable, explained below. Other possibilities exist, and the most important one—semivariable costs—will also be discussed.
Fixed Costs. A fixed cost is one for which the total amount of the cost per period is independent of the volume of operations, within a relevant range of volume. Graphically, it can be shown as indicated in Fig. A-1. The graph shows that as the volume of oper­ations fluctuates within the relevant range, as shown


FIG. A-l Graph of a fixed cost.

by the length of the line, the total amount of this expense, as measured on the vertical scale, remains constant. Examples include the salary of the factory manager, property taxes, and insurance on the fac­tory building and equipment. Note that the definition does not say that a fixed cost will never change. Man­agers know that salaries, taxes, and insurance do change. The significant point is that the amount of the fixed cost is not directly changed by changes in volume. It would be most unusual, for example, if a factory manager's salary were to fluctuate from month to month based on the production volume of the factory. (If this were to happen, the salary would no longer be an example of a fixed expense.) If there is u significant expansion of the factory capacity, the factory manager's salary might be increased at the next salary review. In addition, the expansion of fac­tory capacity would probably increase the amount of insurance and taxes. However, these changes would not make these costs variable costs. Rather, the amount of cost would have changed from one fixed level to another fixed level. The new line on the graph would be higher than the old line, but it would still be horizontal. If this were to happen, manage ment would have to replan a variety of activities anc^ also alter the overhead rate used in the factory.
Variable Costs. A variable cost is one in which the total amount varies in direct proportion to tht, volume of operations but the per-unit cost remain constant within a relevant range. This can be illustrated as shown on the graph in Fig. A-2. To meet this


FIG. A-2 Graph of a variable cost.

rather strict definition, the line of the variable cost must be pointed so that it would pass through the ori­gin of the graph (0,0), if the relevant range extended that far back. A prime example of a variable cost is direct materials used in the production of a product. Increasing production by 10 percent will increase the amount of direct materials used by 10 percent. Fur­ther, one should expect that a reduction in volume of operations by, say, 15 percent, would reduce the amount of direct materials required by 15 percent. This is because the amount of direct materials used per unit of product is constant.
The idea of a relevant range is important because experience shows that if a manager were to consider doubling volume or cutting volume by two-thirds, cost levels would change in an erratic manner. But such large changes are the exceptions; dealing with them requires a special study. In the normal situa­tion, managers have found that cost can be expected to fluctuate in a predictable manner within the rele­vant range in which most decisions are made.
Semivariable Costs. If a cost increases as a result of volume changes, it cannot, by definition, be a fixed cost. But there are costs which increase as a result of volume changes but do not fit the rather strict definition of variable cost. Maintenance and electricity costs are examples. These costs often fall into the category of semivariable costs. Within the relevant range, a semivariable cost will increase as a result of changes in the volume of operations but not in direct proportion to volume. A graph of a semivar­iable cost is shown in Fig. A-3. Note that the line


FIG. A-3 Graph of a semivariable cost.

slopes upward as volume increases but that it would not pass through the origin if the relevant range extended back that far.
Semivariable costs present no new problems in analysis, however, because they can be broken into a fixed component and a variable component. This can probably be seen most easily by referring to the graph in Fig. A-4. The graph is the same as that in Fig. A-3


FIG. A-4 Graph of a semivariable cost showing fixed and variable components

except that the dashed line is added to illustrate that the semivariable cost can be thought of as a variable cost with a fixed amount added on top. The dashed line shows the variable-cost component. The amount added on top is a fixed amount, the same at all vol­umes, thus fitting the definition of a fixed cost. For analysis, a semivariable expense is broken into its fixed and variable components.
Considering the examples of maintenance and electricity, one can understand why a fixed and vari­able component would exist. The routine preventive maintenance is the fixed component. The balance of the maintenance could be expected to increase or decrease as the volume of operations resulted in greater or less use of the machines. Electricity used ini lighting is likely to be a fixed cost. The plant must be- lighted whether it operates at 70 percent capacity or 80 percent capacity; the lighting cost does not vary with volume. The electricity used to power the machines, however, could be expected to increase or decrease as the volume of operations resulted in greater or less use of the machines. Thus, the total elewrmcity cnat would have a fixed and a variable component; therefore it would be a semivariable cost.