

The Biosphere

The biosphere is that part of the earth in which life exists (hutchinson, 1970). It may be thought of as a biochemical system capable of capturing, converting, storing, and utilizing the energy of the sun. Approximately three hundred thousand species of green plants and microorganisms are recognized as primary producers which utilize inor­ganic elements and compounds to synthesize the organic materials of life. Their productivity is consumed by more than a million other species of organisms which convert this organic storehouse into animal form, adding to the beauty and value of the biosphere as well as its complexity. Still other species, primarily bacteria and fungi, accomplish the re-cycling process by returning plant and animal wastes and residues to inorganic form so the process may be renewed. In this cyclic process of life, manv elements are shared from a common global pool and are converted from inorganic to organic form and back again. Examples of such elements in ah living organisms are carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron, manganese, cobalt, copper, and zinc. Perhaps 15 to 21 other elements, such as selenium, vanadium, and boron, are less abundant and not universal in all living forms, but still vitally important in some species.
The oldest known photosynthetic organisms are at least two billion vears old, and throughout this vast period of time, the entire biosphere has matured and evolved as a self-regulatory system with internal checks and balances. It has developed a remarkable degree of homeo­stasis and ecological control within its various components. At later points in this book, we will consider in more detail the process of photosynthesis, the cyclic passage of elements, the flow of energy through living organisms, the growth and development of popula­tions, and the maturation of communities and ecosystems.
In physical terms, the biosphere is a relatively thin and incomplete envelope covering most of the world. It represents a mosaic of different biotic communities from simple to complex, aquatic to terrestrial, and tropical to polar. It does not exist in the extremities of the polar regions, the highest mountains, the deepest ocean troughs, the most extreme deserts, or the most highly polluted areas of land and water. Its total thickness, including all portions of the earth where living organisms can exist, is less than 10 miles. Its zone of active biological production, in terms of photosynthesis, is much narrower, and varies from a few centimeters to over 100 meters. This zone would, for example, be only a few centimeters in muddy or turbid water, whereas in very clear ocean water, it could be more than 100 meters in thickness. On land, the zone of biological production might be only a few millimeters in a desert or rock environment, where it might again be more than 100 meters in a sequoia or tropical rain forest. Living organisms can exist, of course, beyond the range of active biological production; some insects or birds may be airborne to altitudes aihove 20,000 feet, and viable spores, seeds, and microorganisms may ibe found in the atmosphere and mountain tops above 25,000 feet. In tlhe ocean depths, many animals can exist well below a thousand feet one hydra-like animal has been photographed at a depth of 15,900 feet in the south atlantic. In both extreme altitude and extreme depth, however, the organisms depend upon the much thinner zone of active biological production, that portion of the system which converts the energy of sunlight into the chemical and physical energy of living organisms. Figure diagrams some of the altitudinal limits of the biosphere.
A simple analogy may help us to visualize the relative thickness of the biosphere. If the diameter of the earth were represented by the height of an eight-story building, approximately 100 feet tall, the total biosphere would be represented by a board 1,5 inches thick (less than 4 centimeters) on top of this building. On the same building, the zone of active biological production within the biosphere would be represented by a piece of paper, approximately 0.3 millimeters thick, and even this thickness would represent the most favorable conditions, such as a tropical rain forest or a clear coral sea.
It becomes apparent, then, that we are dealing with, living in, and totally dependent upon a very thin envelope of life-supporting environments which partially cover our globe. We might think of them as a thin, irregular veil of living material. When we realize that this is the ultimate life insurance system for all mankind, as well as for several million other species of living organisms, it adds a new urgency to our attempts to understand the biosphere and our effects on it.